Well-Baby Visits: 15 Months and 18 Months

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Your baby is a toddler now! The doctor or health care provider will go over their development. Your child has learned and grown so much over the last 15 months! If you have concerns about your child, tell the doctor.

About Toddlers

Toddlers have a lot of energy and curiosity. They use those to explore them world around them. This is exciting! However, toddlers can get upset easily.

  • When you can’t understand what they’re saying or not letting them do what they want, it might lead to a tantrum. 
  • Always watch your child. They don’t understand danger and can get hurt easily.
  • Some children show anxiety at this age. This could be when they’re separated from you or when they’re in a new place.
15 Months
Motor Skills
  • Drinks from a cup
  • Walks from place to place
  • Says 2 to 3 words other than "mama," or dada"
  • Points to what they want
  • Mimics your daily activities (like talking on the phone)
  • Brings things to show you
18 Months
Motor Skills
  • Scribbles
  • Builds with blocks
  • Names common objects
  • Follows simple instructions
  • Feeds self with spoon or fork
  • Turns pages in books or magazines


15 Months
  • Do not give your baby a bottle to sleep with. Do not use a bottle to get them back to sleep during the night.
  • Do not give them more then 4 ounces of 100% juice per day.
  • Give them foods that are easy to chew and swallow to avoid choking.
  • Make and keep regular meal and snack times.
  • They should sit upright in a highchair at the table for meals.
  • Allow your child to eat until full. Do not make them eat more than they want.
  • Give them small, easy-to-chew foods to eat. Teach them to use spoons and cups.
18 Months
  • They can have up to 16 ounces of whole milk per day.
  • There are some foods you should not give your 18-month-old. This is to prevent them from choking. Avoid foods like popcorn, peanuts, peanut butter, and honey.
  • Give your child 3 healthy meals each day, plus 2 healthy snacks like whole grain bread or crackers, hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, or thinly slice fruits.
  • Some foods you can give must be cut into small pieces or cooked. This is to prevent them from choking. These include celery, apples, carrots, and vegetables.
  • Give your child up to 4 ounces of dairy a day. This can be some cheese or yogurt.
  • Do not give them sodas or sweet drinks, candy, gum, or chips. These can lead to problems with their teeth.


  • Babies need to use a properly fitted rear-facing car seat in the back seat until they are at least 2-years-old or until they reach the weight or height limit of their rear-facing seat.
  • Put items like these high up and out of reach, in locked cabinets:
    • Chemicals
    • Alcohol
    • Medicines
    • Cleaning products
    • Cigarettes, lighters, and matches
    • Firearms (guns) and ammunition
  • Put baby gates at the top and bottom of any stairs. Do not use baby walkers.
  • Put away electrical cords and hot things like water, food, and small appliances.
  • Have a working smoke detector on every floor of your home.


  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol®, Pediacare®) is safe to use for fever and pain at this age. Follow the package directions or ask your baby’s doctor or how much they can take.
  • Do not give your baby ibuprofen (Motrin® or Advil®).
  • Do not use teething gels like Orajel® or any pain gels that contain benzocaine. They are not safe for babies. You can give your baby rubber or plastic teething toys or damp washcloths that have been twisted and frozen. Ask your baby’s doctor or health care provider for more information.

Other Information

  • Never smoke around your baby. Avoid smoking in the car, even with the window down. Your baby’s doctor or health care provider can help you start class to stop smoking.Read to your child each day
  • Babies in daycare get sick often. Viruses spread easily in daycare centers. Keep your baby home if they’re sick. If they are not better after a few days, contact their doctor.
  • Brush your child’s teeth with a soft brush and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. It should not be bigger than a grain of rice (Picture 1).
  • Keep reading and talking to your baby. Urge them to repeat your words.
  • Use words to describe emotions like, “The sun makes me feel happy today.”

Well-Baby Visits: 15 Months and 18 Months (PDF), Somali (PDF), Spanish (PDF)

HH-IV-111| ©11/2014, revised 8/22   Nationwide Children's Hospital