Well-Baby Visits: 4 Months and 6 Months

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Your baby will get their second or third round of vaccines today. These vaccines are similar to the ones they got at past well-baby visits. Talk to your baby’s doctor or health care provider about any vaccine questions or concerns you have.

4 Months
Motor Skills
  • Starts rolling over
  • Reaches for objects
  • Holds their head and chest up while on their belly
  • Tries out new sounds
  • Smiles and laughs
  • Sees more colors
  • Sees far away but prefers up close
  • Puts things in their mouth - this is how babies learn             
6 Months
Motor Skills
  • Rolls from back to tummy
  • Leans on hands for support
  • Makes squealing sounds
  • Takes turns making sounds
  • Controls eye movements
  • Has good color vision
  • Reaches out for objects
  • Starts to sit without support


Each baby is different. Try to learn when your baby is full to avoid feeding them too much. If they eat too much, they could throw up (vomit).

  • Only give your baby breast milk or formula.
  • Do not put cereal in their bottle.
  • Do not give your baby water, juice, or honey.
  • If you are breastfeeding, your baby must be on liquid vitamins. Your doctor or health care provider can tell you what to give.

4 Months

  • If your baby wakes up through the night, try to soothe them back to sleep before feeding them.
  • You should notice your baby spitting up less often. This may stop altogether.

6 Months

  • At this age, you may choose to introduce your baby to food. Talk to their doctor or health care provider about what foods to feed them. Keep giving your baby breast milk or formula.

    Mom with newborn
  • Your baby can start learning to drink from a sippy cup.
  • If your baby doesn’t like a certain food, try it again in a few days or weeks.
  • Do not give your baby cow’s milk or milk alternatives. This includes, but is not limited to, almond, soy, oat, coconut, rice, plant, or cashew milk.
  • Once your baby is old enough to sit up easily, put them in a highchair (Picture 1).
  • Start weaning your baby from bottles at night. If they wake up at night, try soothing them another way instead of giving them a bottle or snack.


  • Do not hit or shake your baby. If you feel stressed, take a break. Have someone you trust watch your baby for a while.
  • Babies learn by putting things in their mouth. To avoid choking, always keep small objects away from them.
  • Always place your baby on their back to sleep. Do not put them to sleep on their side or stomach. This can cause suffocating or choking, which keeps them from breathing. Never put these items in your baby’s crib:
    • Soft bedding, comforters, toys, pillows, blankets, bumpers, loose sheets, sheep skins
  • Always have 1 hand on your baby. Never leave them alone:
    • In a vehicle or shopping cart.
    • When giving them a bath.
    • With pets or other animals.
    • On a raised surface like a changing table, counter, or chair.
  • Start safety-proofing your home. Ask your baby's doctor or health care provider what you can do. Start by putting:
    •  Medicine, cleaning products, and chemicals out of reach in a tall or locked cabinet.
    • Safety covers on electric outlets.
    • Latch locks on cabinets and toilets.
    • Safety gates between rooms and at the top and bottom of any stairs.
  • Babies must ride in a properly fitted rear-facing car seat in the back seat until they are at least 2-years-old or until they reach the weight or height limit of their rear-facing seat.Parent dipping elbow in water to check temperature
  • Set the temperature on your hot water heater below 120° Fahrenheit (F) or 48.9° Celsius (C). Hot water can burn a baby’s skin at lower temperatures than an adult. Always check the temperature of your baby’s bath water before it touches their skin. You can do this by dipping your elbow in the water (Picture 2). 


  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol®, Pediacare®) is safe to use for fever and pain at this age. red X through advil and motrin bottlesFollow the package directions or ask your baby’s doctor how much they can take.
  • Do not give your baby ibuprofen (Motrin® or Advil®) (Picture 3).
  • You can give your baby rubber or plastic teething toys or damp washcloths that have been twisted and frozen. Do not use teething gels like Orajel® or any pain gels that contain benzocaine. They are not safe for babies. Ask your baby’s doctor or health care provider for more information.

Other Issues

  • A fever in a baby younger than 2 months of age is very serious. If you think your baby has a fever, you should check the temperature in their bottom (rectally). Use a rectal thermometer, not a mouth (oral) one. Take them to their doctor, health care provider, or the emergency room if their temperature is higher than 100.4°F (38°C).
  • Never smoke around your baby. Avoid smoking in the car, even with the window down. Your baby’s doctor or health care provider can help you start class to stop smoking.
  • Ask your doctor or read vaccine information sheets if you have any questions about your baby’s vaccinations.
  • Babies in child care get sick often. Viruses spread quickly in child care centers. Keep your baby home if they’re sick. If they are not better after a few days, contact their doctor.

Caring for Yourself

Having a baby is a big responsibility. There will be times when you feel overwhelmed. That’s why caring for yourself is important. Talk to your doctor or health care provider if you have feelings of depression. If you need someone to talk to, use these options:

  • Postpartum Support International (PSI)
  • Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline


Well-Baby Visits: 4 Months and 6 Months (PDF), Somali (PDF), Spanish (PDF)

HH-IV-103 |  ©2009, revised 8/22   Nationwide Children’s Hospital