Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)

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Active exercises help keep your joints and muscles from tightening up and becoming weaker. Your exercise program is planned for your specific needs because not all your muscles have the same degree of strength or weakness.  The goal of active exercise is to keep your muscles strong and flexible.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask your doctor, physical therapist or nurse.

  1. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Lie on your back.  Bend your right knee toward your chest then lower it to the floor.  Then bend your left leg and lower it.  Always keep the other leg flat (straight).

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  2. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Lie on your back and bend your right knee up.  Lift your left leg up as high as your right knee.  Then lower it slowly.  Repeat with your right leg.  Always keep your other foot flat on the floor.  

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  3. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Lie on your back with your legs straight.  While keeping one leg still, slide the other leg out to the side and pull it back to the middle. Repeat with your other leg.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  4. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Lie on your side with your bottom leg bent and your top leg straight.  Lift your top leg up then lower it slowly.  Keep your top leg in line with your body; do not let it "roll out."  Repeat with your other leg.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  5. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Lie on your back with legs straight and slightly apart. Roll your legs in with your knees and toes turned in. Then roll your legs out with knees and toes turned out.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  6. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Lie on your back. Keep your knee straight and bend your ankle upward until you feel a stretch behind the knee. Then point your toes downward. Repeat this with your other foot.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  7. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Keep your leg still and rotate your foot in a circular motion. Make circles in one direction, then the other direction. Repeat with your other foot.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day. 
  8. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Lie on your stomach with your legs straight. Lift your right leg, keeping your knee straight. Lower it. Then lift your left leg and lower it.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  9. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Lie on your stomach. Place a small pad under your knees. Bend your right knee bringing the heel toward your buttocks then lower your leg. Then bend your left leg and lower it.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  10. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Stand with your feet away from the wall and your hands placed on the wall at shoulder height.  Move your right foot forward and bend your knee.  Keep your left leg straight and the foot flat on the floor.  Lean your body toward the wall until you feel a "pull" in the back of your left leg. Return to the starting position. Then repeat, putting your left leg forward.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.
  11. Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active)
    Stand with your feet away from the wall and hands placed on the wall at shoulder height.  Move your right foot forward and bend the knee.  Bend your left knee.  Lean forward until you feel a "pull" in the back of your left leg.  Return to the starting position. Then repeat, putting your left leg forward.

    Do this motion ________ times. This exercise should be done________ times a day.

Exercises: Lower Extremities (Active) (PDF)

HH-II-92     5/85, Revised 12/17      Copyright 1985, Nationwide Children’s Hospital