Exercises: Lower Extremities - Older Child (Passive)

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Range of motion exercises help to keep your child's joints and muscles from tightening up.  An exercise program is planned for the individual needs of each child. While doing the exercises, your child should lie on his back on a firm surface. You should be on the same side of the body as the leg you are working with.

If these exercises are hard to do, please contact your physical therapist.

  1. Exercises Lower Extremities-Older Child (Passive)
    Place one hand on the side of the child’s knee and the other underneath the heel.  Raise the child's leg, allowing the hip and knee to bend.  Gently push the leg toward the chest.  (Other leg should stay flat against the bed.)  Repeat with the other leg.

    Do this motion ____ times, ____ times per day.
  2. Exercises Lower Extremities-Older Child (Passive)
    Place one hand above the child’s knee and the other underneath the ankle.  Keeping the knee straight, slowly raise the leg.  (Other leg should stay flat against the bed.)  Repeat with other leg.

    Do this motion ____ times, ____ times per day.
  3. Exercises Lower Extremities-Older Child (Passive)
    Keep the leg flat on the bed and hold the child’s leg above the knee and at the ankle. Roll the leg in and out. Repeat with the other leg.

    Do this motion ____ times, ____ times per day.
  4. Exercises Lower Extremities-Older Child (Passive)
    Bend the hip and knee so that the knee is pointing to the ceiling.  Slowly rotate lower leg towards you and away from you.  Repeat with other leg.

    Do this motion ____ times, ____ times per day.
  5. Exercises Lower Extremities-Older Child (Passive)
    Place one hand under the knee and other hand under the ankle.  Bring the leg out to the side and back toward the middle without allowing the knee to roll in or out.  (Other leg should remain flat against the bed.) Repeat with the other leg.

    Do this motion ____ times, ____ times per day.
  6. Exercises Lower Extremities-Older Child (Passive)
    With the child's leg straight, hold the heel and rest your forearm on the ball of the child's foot.  Pull gently on the heel, then slowly and gently bring foot toward the knee.  Then pull gently in the opposite direction and point the toes downward.  Repeat with the other foot.

    Do this motion ____ times, ____ times per day.
  7. Exercises Lower Extremities-Older Child (Passive)
    With the knee straight, hold leg above the ankle to keep the leg from rolling.  Gently grasp the foot and turn it down and in. Then gently turn it up and out.

    Do this motion ____ times, ____ times per day.

Exercises: Lower Extremities – Older Child (Passive) (PDF)

HH-II-58   11/80, Reviewed 11/17 Copyright 1980, Nationwide Children’s Hospital