Film Array Viral Panel (FARVPP)

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The Film Array Viral Panel (FARVPP, said like FAR-vap) tests for viruses and bacteria (germs).


  • If your child is very congested (stuffed up), they may need to have their nose suctioned or asked to blow their nose before the test.
  • Your child must stay very still for this test. If they cannot be still, someone will hold them. This makes sure that the test is done properly and your child will not get hurt during the test.


  • The health care provider will wear a gown, gloves, mask and maybe a face shield. This helps to prevent the spread of germs to others.
  • The padded end of a long swab (like a Q-tip® but made with synthetic fiber) is put inside your child’s nose and held there for 10 seconds. This procedure does not usually hurt, but it can be uncomfortable. Family members may stay in the room during the procedure.

After the Test

  • After the test, your child can eat, drink and play as usual. There are no restrictions.
  • Your child’s doctor or nurse will discuss the results of the test with you within a day or two, possibly sooner.

If you have any questions, please ask your child’s health care provider.

Film Array Viral Panel (FARVPP) (PDF) 

HH-III-132 ©2014, Revised 2020, Nationwide Children ’s Hospital