Exercises: Hand (Active)

Helping Hand Logo

Active exercises help keep your joints and muscles from tightening up and becoming weaker. Your exercise program is planned for your specific needs because not all your muscles have the same degree of strength or weakness. The goal of active exercise is to keep your muscles strong and flexible.

Do only the exercises that have a check mark () in the box. Remember to move slowly, avoiding rapid or jerky motions.

  1. Rest your arm on a table. Put the palm of your hand flat on the table. Then turn your palm up. Do not lift your elbow from the table. Repeat with your other hand.

    Hold for ____seconds.

    Repeat ____ times, ____times a day.

    hand exercise

  2. Rest your forearm on a table. Lift your hand at the wrist with your relaxed. Then lower your hand and bring it back to the starting position.

    Hold for ____seconds.

    Repeat ____ times, ____times a day.

    hand exercise

  3. Rest your right forearm on a table with your left hand holding your wrist. Keeping your right hand flat on the table, move it from side to side. Repeat with your left hand.

    Hold for ____seconds.

    Repeat ____ times, ____times a day.

    hand exercise

  4. Bend your fingers to make a tight fist, then release and straighten your fingers.

    Hold for ____seconds.

    Repeat ____ times, ____times a day.

    hand exercise

  5. Hold both hands straight with fingers together then separate your fingers. Bring your fingers back together.

    Hold for ____seconds.

    Repeat ____ times, ____times a day.

    hand exercise

  6. Move your thumb across the palm of your hand until it touches the base of the little finger. Then return to the starting position.

    Hold for ____seconds.

    Repeat ____ times, ____times a day.

    hand exercise

If you have any questions, be sure to ask your physical therapist or nurse or call _________________.

Exercises: Hand (Active) (PDF)

HH-II-139 4/03, Reviewed 12/17 Copyright 2003, Nationwide Children’s Hospital