Cell Line Core

The Cell Line Core processes human subject samples and provides the researcher with cell lines or DNA, appropriate for downstream applications in a variety of human and molecular genetic studies. Services include extraction of DNA from saliva or whole blood, creation of EBV transformed B-cell immortalized cell lines or fibroblast cell lines from skin biopsy samples, and DNA or cell line archiving. Additional tissue types may be processed on request. Samples can be provided directly to other related Cores (such as the Biomedical Genomic or High Throughput Genotyping Cores). The Core possesses a set of lymphoblastoid cell lines for use as normal controls in genotyping or gene expression studies. These Coriell samples include the North European CEPH subjects used in the HapMap project, which have a wealth of publicly available genotype and gene expression data. The Core can also assist investigators in the design of genetic studies on human subjects and biobanking. 

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Small Volume Samples for Transformation

Blood samples can be difficult to obtain on children, and we frequently receive samples of only 1-2 ml. We have developed new protocols to handle samples of low volume and/or low WBC counts for lymphoblast transformation, with the expectation we can improve transformation in this difficult group from 90% up to 95%, to more closely match our success rate of optimal samples (currently at 98%).

The Biobank Human Control Resource

The Cell Line Core currently has a control set consisting of a collection of CEPH (Centre d’ Etude Polymorphisme Humain) individuals of North European ancestry obtained by special agreement from the Coriel Institute.  This collection includes the parents of the trios used in the HapMap Project, plus some additional samples for a total of just over 100 individuals, all of European ancestry. We are in the process of establishing a Biobank Control Resource to expand this set in both numbers and ethnicity.  Our goal is to have up to 200 individuals of European and 200 of African American ancestry available. Other ethnic groups will be considered for collection if there is a need.