Clinical Trials Sequencing Project

The Clinical Trials Sequencing Project (CTSP) will promote the use of genomics to explain the molecular basis of response and resistance to therapies studied in National Cancer Institute (NCI)-sponsored clinical trials of the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). This project is a collaborative effort of the NCI’s Center for Cancer Genomics (CCG) and Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) focusing on three tumor types: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, breast carcinoma, and renal cell carcinoma.

The CTSP will use whole genome and/or whole exome sequencing along with transcriptome sequencing to attempt to identify recurrent genetic alterations and/or gene expression signatures of biospecimens collected from mature NCI-sponsored NCTN clinical trials.

The BCR is responsible for the collection and processing of specimens for the CTSP. After specimens qualify by pathology and molecular metrics at the BCR, molecular analytes are then distributed to characterization centers. The BCR will also collect and upload the biospecimen data to the Genomic Data Commons (GDC).

For more information about the CTSP, please contact the NCH BCR.