Isaacs Lab

Welcome to Our Advanced Translational Neurosurgery Lab

In neonatal medicine, neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage, primarily in premature infants, and perinatal sepsis represent significant challenges. It is estimated that around 30% of neonates affected by these conditions develop post-hemorrhagic or postinfectious hydrocephalus, resulting in cerebral palsy and severe neurocognitive delays in the majority of these cases. Understanding the immune response following brain injuries caused by hemorrhage or infection is crucial, as it plays a significant role in the progression to hydrocephalus and is vital for developing effective treatment strategies.

Our laboratory is dedicated to understanding complex cerebrospinal fluid-related neurological conditions, particularly neonatal post-hemorrhagic and postinfectious hydrocephalus. Our mission is to combine innovative neurosurgical research with clinical applications, aiming to develop new treatments for these serious conditions.

Meet Our Team


Our Core Research Areas

Our research focuses on the inflammatory response to brain hemorrhage and infections, specifically those leading to hydrocephalus in neonates. We analyze blood, brain tissue, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to study the pathogenesis of these disorders, with the goal of improving clinical and neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Dual Approach in Neurosurgical Research

We combine clinical expertise with experimental research to understand the inflammatory pathways involved in post-hemorrhagic and postinfectious hydrocephalus. This approach is essential for identifying new therapeutic targets that can improve outcomes for neonates.

Join Our Research Efforts

Explore our website to learn more about our neurosurgical research. Our laboratory is focused on scientific innovation and providing new solutions for families affected by neonatal hydrocephalus. Together, we are making strides in neurosurgery research.

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Inside the Isaacs Lab

Technological Integration in Our Lab

Our lab employs the latest neuroimaging technologies, including advanced diffusion tensor imaging and diffusion basis spectrum imaging. We also use genomic and proteomic analysis tools such as whole and exome genome sequencing, bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing, LC-MS/MS proteomics, and nanoparticle tracking, to investigate neurological disorders at a molecular level.

Innovative Use of Nanoparticles in Neurosurgery

We use nanoparticles to study cellular behavior and for the targeted delivery of therapies. This approach helps us understand disease mechanisms and develop new neurosurgical and pharmacological treatments.

Bioinformatics Are Essential to Our Research

Our bioinformatics team plays a key role in analyzing multi-omic data, which is vital for understanding the pathophysiology of neurosurgical conditions and identifying specific gene targets for future interventions.

Advancing CSF Analysis in Neurosurgery

We are pioneering the use of CSF as a liquid biopsy tool in neurosurgery. Our aim is to identify biomarkers that can predict the onset of hydrocephalus following brain hemorrhage or infection, as well as to assess disease severity, optimize intervention timing, evaluate treatment responses, and monitor the long-term effectiveness of treatments.

Genetic and Epigenetic Research

We are committed to identifying genetic and epigenetic factors that may predispose neonates to hydrocephalus following brain injury. This research is crucial for developing personalized treatment approaches.

Experimental Modeling for Neurosurgical Conditions

Our lab uses rodent models to simulate human hydrocephalus for both in vitro and in vivo experiments. This method is essential for studying disease mechanisms and evaluating potential neurosurgical therapies.

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