Your Child's Dust Mite Allergy

Dust mites are microscopic insects that live in our pillows mattresses and box-spring. To limit your exposure to dust mites, follow all these tips. First, buy allergy covers for your mattress, box-spring, and all the pillows on your bed. Look for words like “allergy cover” or “allergy proof.” Wash your sheets, blankets, and other linens in hot water weekly. To kill the dust mites, the water should be at least 130 degrees F. If you have stuffed animals, make sure to hot wash them regularly. If it can’t be washed, place it in a plastic bag in the freezer for 24 hours. Freezing it will kill the dust mites. Remember to vacuum the bedroom floor at least once a week and get rid of clutter. If redecorating, choose hard flooring instead of carpeting and blinds instead of drapes for window coverings. You should not sleep on carpeted floors or plush furniture regularly, because they are full of dust mites. Dust mites thrive when humidity is over 50%. If your bedroom is damp or humid, get a dehumidifier.

Video Transcript

Dust mites are microscopic insects that live in our pillows, furniture and carpets.

They’re not the same thing as bed bugs.

To reduce your exposure to dust mites, follow these tips.

First step, in terms of reducing dust mite exposure is to buy dust mite proof encasements for your pillows, mattress and box spring.

Look for the words allergy cover or allergy proof.


Wash your linens in hot water at least once a week.

Now it’s important that the water is at least 130 degrees because that’s the temperature that will kill the dust mites.

If you have any favorite stuffed animals or blankets we recommend you wash these in hot water at least once away as well.

If you can’t wash the items, put them in a plastic bag in the freezer for 24 hours, then wipe each one down with a damp cloth.

It’s important to vacuum your carpet and dust flat surfaces in the bedroom at least once a week.

Get rid of clutter in the bedroom.

Things such as toys, furniture, or just things that you’re not using because they can collect dust and dust mites as well.

If you’re going to redecorate we recommend that you use hardwood floors instead of carpet and blinds instead of heavy drapes.

It’s best not to sleep on carpeted floors or plush furniture, because they’re full of dust mites.

We’d recommend getting a dehumidifier if the humidity in your house is over 50% because dust mites thrive in humid environments.

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