Growth and Nutrition

  • Nutrition is an important part of your baby’s growth and development. During your stay, your baby’s growth and nutrition status will be watched often by a dietitian.

  • Growth charts are used to keep track of a baby’s weight, length, and head circumference over a period of time. Measurements are written down weekly and reviewed by the nutrition team. Your baby’s nutrition plan may be changed depending on growth and medical needs.

  • Nurses get weights daily or several times per week. Length and head circumference measurements are done weekly.

  • Each week, the nutrition team will update your baby’s growth chart and place it at the bedside.

  • Please ask a member of the health care team to review your baby’s growth and nutrition plan.

Newborn Screening Weight Conversion Chart

Pounds and Ounces to Grams

Newborn Screening Weight Conversion Chart

Newborn Screening Height Conversion Chart

Centimeters to Inches

Newborn Screening Height Conversion Chart