
Post-doctoral Scientist-position available:

The Chandler lab is investigating the link between alternative splicing, the p53 pathway, and pediatric soft tissue sarcomas of the muscle called rhabdomyosarcomas. The appointee will investigate molecular mechanisms involved in the induction of alternative splicing of the p53 pathway. This will include investigating the links between DNA damage and RNA processing as well as p53 activity. A major focus of the laboratory is on p53 modulators MDM2 and MDMX. Cell culture, in vitro splicing and mouse models serve as systems in which to study the mechanism for alternative splicing as well as the biological endpoints of the pathways. The laboratory’s approaches include integration of cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry.

Expertise in molecular biology, genetics, and/or biochemistry is preferred. Experience in RNA processing is desirable. The successful candidate will confer regularly with the principal investigator but must incorporate self-directed research, excellent technical, presentation, and communication skills as essential parts of the job. Must have Ph.D. degree in relevant field of science from an accredited college. Coursework in biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, statistics, relevant research methods and radiation desirable. Animal experience (mouse/rat) a plus.

Contact: Dawn.Chandler@NationwideChildrens.org