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Inpatient Rehabilitation

We offer a comprehensive, pediatric, family-centered inpatient rehabilitation (rehab) program.

Photon Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is used to treat many types of cancer, including blood cancer and solid tumors, in children. While your child’s oncology team is located at Nationwide Children’s, your child may receive radiation therapy at The James Outpatient Care.


From a 12-week embryo to a full-grown teenager, our radiology team recognizes the unique differences in pediatric patients. We use the latest technology including interventional radiology, 3D printing, and low-dose radiation standards to care for your child.

Rett Syndrome Clinic

Children with Rett syndrome often need to see many specialists. Some families must travel for an entire day to visit a physician or team who understands and treats the condition. That’s why Nationwide Children’s offers a Rett syndrome clinic so patients and families can see multiple specialists during one visit.


Pediatric rheumatologists at Nationwide Children’s Hospital provide comprehensive care and consultation services for children with suspected or definite rheumatic diseases and non-surgical musculoskeletal problems.

Robot-Assisted Surgery

Robot- or robotic-assisted surgery provides a minimally invasive option in several pediatric specialties. These types of procedures provide surgeons additional precision and control during more complicated surgeries.

Rumination Syndrome Program

Rumination syndrome is an uncommon, often misunderstood, and frequently misdiagnosed gastrointestinal condition. Oftentimes, patients undergo multiple testing before an accurate diagnosis is made.

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