Pre-Op Process

Once we feel you are ready for surgery, our office will contact you and a date for your surgery will be scheduled. Four weeks before your surgery date, you will begin an intensive program of nutrition and exercise education. This education will continue after your surgery, as well. You will be on a full liquid diet beginning two weeks before your surgery and on clear liquids the day before your surgery. You should have nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before your surgery. The dietitian will discuss these diets with you. During one of these pre-operative visits, you will meet again with the surgeon. At that time, he will answer any questions you may still have.

Pre-admission Testing and Anesthesia Evaluation

You will be scheduled for pre-admission testing (PAT) about two weeks before your surgery date. At this visit, you will talk with the anesthesiologist and nursing staff. They will ask you many questions and you will have some additional laboratory tests. If you have questions or concerns about anesthesia, please ask them at this time.

Day of Surgery

For gastric bypass and gastric sleeve, you may be admitted to the hospital the day before surgery. An IV will be placed, so you can receive fluids. You will be allowed to have clear liquids until midnight, then nothing to eat or drink after that time. Including no gum and candy. Before the surgery, you or your parents will sign the surgery consent form. On the day of surgery, you will be taken to the Surgery Unit.

While you are in the operating room, your family and friends will wait in the family waiting room. When your surgery is finished, the surgeon will meet with your family in the waiting room to let them know how you are doing. After surgery, you will spend about two hours in the recovery room before going to your room. Your family can wait for you in your hospital room. Most patients can go directly to the regular hospital floor; however, sometimes patients need special care and must go to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for a short time.