Butterfly Guild Membership Application

As an active member of Butterfly Guild of Nationwide Children’s Hospital, I agree to:

  1. Serve as a member for a minimum of three (3) years.
  2. Pay annual membership dues of $50.
  3. Actively participate in monthly General Membership Meetings. Sustaining members should attend at least one (1) general membership meeting and actively participate in the musical.
  4. Actively participate in one year long team (Development, Communications, Events, Marketing, NovemBEARD) and one musical team (Novelties, Program, Tickets, Costumes, Food).
  5. Recruit at least one new member in a three year period.
  6. Be an active participant in all fundraising platforms which include: the Columbus Marathon, NovemBEARD, the musical and the Memorial Tournament. 
  7. Participate in Officer/Chair elections each calendar year.
  8. Uphold Code of Regulations.

Please complete the form below if you are a new member, a returning member or a sustaining member. Once this is complete you will be prompted to pay your dues online.

Butterfly Guild Membership Application