ISSVA 2018 Videos

Intraoperative Video During a Sclerotherapy Procedure

Video during sclerotherapy procedure to treat an orbital microcystic LM in a child.


Animation Teaser

Large Cyst Treatment

For large cysts, a catheter can be placed entirely within the cyst to completely decompress it and temporarily fill it with sclerosant(s) that will be entirely aspirated prior to the end of the procedure. For referrals within the United States, please click the Request an Appointment link below.

Radiology animation

Small Cyst Treatment

For smaller cysts and even relatively solid disease it is better to aspirate with a small needle and then inject an agent such as Doxy or Bleo foam that you intend to leave in the lesion. For referrals within the United States, please click the Request an Appointment link below.

Radiology animation

Bent Needle Technique

Sometimes the lesion is completely hidden behind the equator of the globe but is visible with US using the globe as an acoustic window. In this circumstance, it is often helpful to simply bend the needle to the angle needed.