Pitch Counts and Throwing Injury Prevention

Pitch counts are a set number of pitches that a player is allowed to throw in a given game or week. They are an important tool to prevent overuse injury for youth baseball players.

As elbow and shoulder injury rates continue to increase for young athletes, coaches and parents should be aware of their league’s requirements. This will change for different leagues and ages, so it’s important to check with your child’s league every season.

When it comes to stress on your young thrower’s arm, it’s not just pitch counts that matter. There are many other factors that can add stress to a young thrower’s arm.

What’s Adding Stress to My Thrower’s Arm?

  • It’s important to be aware of how much the player is throwing besides pitching. This could include playing other positions or throwing outside of games.
  • If they are trying out new pitches with their friends at home, they are adding more stress to their arm.
  • Other physical or mental traits that can impact the player. For example, if they are someone that plays hard all the time, they may need to learn how to warm up at lower intensities.

How Can I Help Minimize Stress on My Thrower’s Arm?

As kids grow, they may need to address strength or flexibility issues to improve their throwing efficiency.

Solid pitching mechanics can also help minimize stress on the arm when throwing.

If you are experiencing persistent pain after a throwing injury, talk to your primary care physician. The Sports and Orthopedic Physical Therapy team at Nationwide Children’s Hospital offers services at several locations throughout the Columbus area. Call (614) 722-2200 to schedule a throwing evaluation or request an appointment online.