Video Laryngeal Stroboscopy

Why would my child need a video laryngeal stroboscopy?

Video laryngeal stroboscopy (VLS) is a procedure done to evaluate the motion of the vocal cords. It allows the physician to tell the difference between different lesions of the vocal cords that can affect the voice. It is used when there is a complaint of a voice disorder such as hoarseness or loss of voice.

When would you perform a video laryngeal stroboscopy?

This procedure is most often performed in the office, and may be recommended during your child’s initial evaluation with a Pediatric ENT Surgeon at Nationwide Children’s or when referred to the Voice Clinic. Your Surgeon will discuss this recommendation with you, and why it is being recommended prior to performing the test, to ensure it is done as comfortably as possible for you and your child.

The procedure is done with the child awake and in the sitting position. A thin flexible tube with camera is placed into the child’s nose and advanced through the nose into the back of the throat to about the level of the roof of the mouth. An anesthetic spray is used in the nose to numb the nasal passage and throat to minimize discomfort. Once the scope is in position, the voice box and vocal cords can be seen. The child will be asked to perform several voice exercises while the scope is in place. The image will be recorded so it can be reviewed. The entire procedure takes about 2 minutes and can be watched live on a monitor so the child and caregiver can observe what is being done. Because children have to cooperate with the voice exercises, most children will need to be of school age to be able to undergo this exam. There may be special circumstances when this procedure is used in younger children but this is unusual. It can be uncomfortable, but is not painful. Your Surgeon will talk to you about other potential risks of a video stroboscopy before proceeding.

What should I expect after my child has a video laryngeal stoboscopy?

Most commonly, there are no problems after a flexible scope is performed. There is typically no pain in the nose after the scope is removed. On rare occasions, there can be a small amount of bleeding from the nose after the scope is completed. If you have concerns after your child has had a flexible nasopharyngoscopy, please contact the ENT office or seek medical attention.

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