Facial Bipartition

What is a Facial Bipartition?

Facial bipartition is surgery to reposition the entire face forward and to bring the orbits (bones holding the eyes) closer together.

Who Needs a Facial Bipartition?

Patients who need a facial bipartition have hypertelorbitism, which is an increased distance between the eyes.

Many patients who need a facial bipartition have Apert syndrome, Crouzon syndrome or craniofrontonasal dysplasia.

How is a Facial Bipartition Performed?

facial bipartition   facial bipartition

Facial bipartition is performed by a plastic surgeon and a neurosurgeon working together. There is a zigzag incision on top of the head. This incision is hidden within the hair. There are also incisions inside the mouth.

The bones are cut to move the face forward and to bring the eyes closer together. This involves removing some bone from between the eyes. The bones are held in their new position using plates and screws.

What Can I Expect After Facial Bipartition?

Most patients are in the hospital 10-14 days after a facial bipartition. There is swelling, which gets better after two weeks. Patients should stay on soft food for 6 weeks.