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Meet Our Team

Meet Our Hemostasis and Thrombosis Center Team.

Meet Our Animal Friends

Meet Our Animal Friends

We know that nature has a powerful effect on healing. That’s just one reason why we brought nature’s animals inside. Our animal friends play a key role throughout the new main hospital.


Interdisciplinary Medical Clinics

Our pediatric psychologists and neuropsychologists act as integral team members with many medical teams at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

Research Compliance and Integrity

Research Compliance and Integrity

The Office of Research Compliance and Integrity (ORCI) aims to provide the institute, sponsors and general public with confidence that research conducted at the Abigail Wexner Research Institute is done according to the highest ethical and scientific standards through its compliance program.

What to Expect

Surgery requires major lifestyle changes. To maintain weight loss after surgery, you will still have to exercise and limit food amounts.

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Asthma Program


Clinical Therapies




Nasal Congestion