Nuclear Medicine Scan

A nuclear medicine scan is a type of exam that takes pictures of your child's body. It can be used to study the function and structure of body. Depending on the exam the camera maybe stationary, move across the body or rotate around the body.

What is a Nuclear Medicine Scan Used For?

Depending on the area being examined, a nuclear medicine scan will look for different unusual growths, functions, and determine how the body responds to treatment.

The scan may also be used to determine how much a disease has spread throughout the body to determine the best course of treatment.

What Can I Expect Before a Nuclear Medicine Scan?

The preparation for this test depends on the part of the body being scanned. The technologist will insert the appropriate amount of radioactive material in your child's vein through a small needle (or IV), swallowing, or inhalation. The material circulates in the blood and makes certain parts of the child's body show up clearly on the scan.

What Can I Expect After a Nuclear Medicine Scan?

The nuclear medicine technologist will give you specific home-going instructions for your child.

If your child has anesthesia, he or she will be in the Procedure Center recovery area for 30 minutes to one hour after the test is done while he or she wakes up. Your child needs to be fully awake before going home.

Your child may return to school or childcare on the day of the nuclear medicine scan. You will also be given an administration of radioactive material card for your records.

A report of the nuclear medicine scan will be sent to your child’s doctor. The doctor will explain the test results and the plan for medical care.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask your doctor or nurse, or call the Nationwide Children’s Hospital nuclear medicine team at (614) 722-9187.