Glenn V. Thomas, PhD

Nationwide Children's Hospital Medical Professional

Contact Information


Glenn Thomas, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and director of Behavioral Health Services at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. During his fifteen years at Nationwide Children’s, Dr. Thomas has been responsible for a broad range of programs, including assessment services situated in Franklin County Children Services and Franklin County Juvenile Court; community-based intervention programs such as Multisystemic Therapy; Crisis Services and the Early Childhood Mental Health Program.

More recently, Dr. Thomas has been responsible for a significant expansion of universal mental health prevention efforts, including large-scale implementation of the PAX Good Behavior Game, and the prevention efforts of the Center for Suicide Prevention and Research. As part of Behavioral Health’s leadership team, Dr. Thomas is involved with strategic planning for the department and directs departmental initiatives such as the implementation of Zero Suicide in Behavioral Health. He also collaborates with other areas of the hospital, such as Healthy Neighborhoods Healthy Families and Care Connection, providing integrated primary care and behavioral health services in schools.

Dr. Thomas is an adjunct clinical assistant professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at The Ohio State University and also chairs the Franklin County Suicide Prevention Coalition.

Academic and Clinical Areas
Professional Experience

2014 - Present Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Director, Behavioral Health Services

2010 - 2014 Nationwide Children's Hospital, Clinical Director for Community-Based Programs, Behavioral Health Services

2006 - 2010 Nationwide Children's Hospital, Psychologist/Clinical Coordinator, Behavioral Health Services

2005 - 2006 Nationwide Children's Hospital, Psychologist/Supervisor Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Health Services

2001 - 2005 Ohio Department of Youth Services, Clinical Services Director

1999 - 2001 Ohio Department of Youth Services, Deputy Superintendent of Programs, Scioto Juvenile Correctional Facility & Riverview Juvenile Correctional Facility

1998 - 1999 Ohio Department of Youth Services, Psychology Supervisor, Scioto Juvenile Correctional Facility

1997 - 1998 Ohio Department of Youth Services, Psychology Supervisor, Circleville Youth Center

Contact Information
Psychiatry and Behavioral Health