Call a Nurse Service (ONLY for Primary Care Center Patients)

Mom and Baby Interacting With Nurse at Primary Care Visit

Call a Nurse
24 hours a day/7 days a week
(614) 722-5751 - Patients Only

Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Primary Care Centers provide Call a Nurse services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This important service is ONLY for patients of the Primary Care Centers, and it offers patient families quick and easy access to a highly-trained pediatric Registered Nurse (RN) who can provide expert advice and get the child the care he or she needs.

Benefits of Call a Nurse

  • Helps parents or caregivers determine how serious an illness or injury is and determine the best level of care for the child
  • Provides early recognition of children with urgent or emergent health problems
  • Helps determine if an office visit is needed, saving parents time and money
  • If an appointment is needed, the nurse can schedule a same day or next day appointment for the child in a Primary Care Center
  • Provides home instruction, as many problems can be handled by the parent with advice from the nurse
  • Provides up-to-date practical, detailed phone advice for treating common pediatric illnesses
  • While most problems can be resolved over the phone, the nurse may recommend a visit to urgent care or the emergency department if needed

Call a Nurse if:

  • Your child is ill or injured
  • You are considering taking your child to urgent care or the emergency department
  • You have questions about your child’s health
  • You need assistance when the Primary Care Center is closed