700 Children's® – A Blog by Pediatric Experts

Aquatic Therapy: Using Water for Wellness and Independence

Oct 31, 2017
Child and instructor in aquatic therapy

Aquatic therapy is the use of water to support or teach a child skills just like they would in “land therapy.” These skills could include learning to have better balance when walking or climbing stairs, making it easier to jump, improving running speed, practicing sitting to standing or perhaps even floating or swimming. The goal is to improve a child’s independence to complete tasks in his or her everyday life – some of which may be more difficult when the child is on land.

Why Choose It?

Aquatic therapy is just one type of gross motor therapy that may address:

  • Muscle strengthening
  • Balance and body awareness
  • Lessening pain and easing the strain of stretching tight or spastic muscles
  • Cardiorespiratory endurance
  • Confidence with social interactions and play

Therapists use numerous aids to ensure safety or improve efficiency of activities in the water such as flotation devices, pool noodles, kick-boards, ankle or wrist weights, steps and, of course, toys!

Who Can Benefit?

Physical and occupational therapists provide aquatic therapy treatment for children of all ages and various diagnoses. Here are some examples of the types of conditions that may benefit from aquatic therapy:

  • Cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders
  • Brachial plexus injuries
  • Post-operative orthopedic conditions
  • Developmental delay
  • Autism
  • Chronic pain
  • Generalized muscle weakness or neuromuscular diseases
  • Sports-related injuries

A child may participate in aquatic therapy treatment just as they would any other therapy treatment, and the frequency, intensity and duration is individually based on the goals of the family and child. It can be used as a supplement to additional therapies, prior to or in transition to land based therapy that is fully weight-bearing or solely as its own intervention. A therapist may also instruct the child and family in activities that can be completed in a pool outside of therapy in a fun, interactive way!

There are certain precautions when completing aquatic therapy, so talk to your child’s physician, physical or occupational therapist about its risks and benefits.

Occupational Therapy at Nationwide Children's Hospital
To learn more, click here.

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Nationwide Children's Hospital Medical Professional
Danielle Peifer, PT, DPT
Developmental Physical Therapy

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