Pyogenic Granuloma

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A pyogenic granuloma (pie uh JENN ik gran yuh LOH muh) or PG is a vascular (blood vessel) growth. It usually appears after an area of skin that has been injured. During the healing process, blood vessels become overactive and a bright red bump appears. It may grow quickly and be mildly painful. PGs bleed easily and frequently. 

Diagnosis and Treatment 

A doctor may identify a PG during a physical exam. They usually do not go away by themselves. 

  • The doctor may recommend surgery to remove a lesion. This may be done in the clinic or under sedation in outpatient surgery. The lesion would be removed from your child’s skin and sent for testing to confirm the diagnosis. 
  • The doctor may prescribe topical (on the skin) medicine for smaller lesions. The doctor may also prescribe this medicine if a lesion is bleeding while your child is waiting for it to be removed. 

Once the PG is removed it usually does not come back. If you do notice it returning, call your doctor to have a follow-up appointment. 

What to Do at Home 

If a lesion should start to bleed: 

  1. Put a clean gauze, washcloth or paper towel on the area. Hold with firm, direct pressure. 
  2. Continue to hold pressure on the area for at least 5 minutes. Look at your watch, a clock or set a timer. Do not "peek" at the bump while holding pressure. It is important to hold continuous pressure for the entire time to stop the bleeding. 
  3. Check the area after 5 minutes. If area is still bleeding, hold pressure for another 5 minutes. Repeat until bleeding has stopped completely. 
  4. If the area is still actively bleeding after 20 minutes of pressure seek medical care. Go to an urgent care center or emergency room.
  5. Once bleeding has stopped, apply a clean bandage to the area. 

Pyogenic Granuloma (PDF)

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